Monday, February 2, 2009

Rob's "Special Bond" with Kristen Stewart

Robert Pattinson has admitted that his celebrity crush is his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, and now the actor reveals he struggled to keep their relationship professional while filming the movie.
“Kristen is amazing, and your first impulse is to ask her for her phone number. But then I forced myself to remember that ninety percent of what you do see on screen is acting and make things up,” Pattinson tells OK! magazine.

The 22-year-old says he enjoyed the time he spent with Stewart. “I enjoyed the process of creating these characters with her. We would spend all night talking about our scenes and the next day we would defend our points of view. That creative energy made us have a very special bond,” he added.

Pattinson and Stewart team up again in the upcoming sequel New Moon, due out in theaters in November.


  1. i am over him having a crush on her. i want him to crush on me....
    seriously.. i have some major jealousy going on right now!

  2. If she’d return the crush; I’d be heart broken but to see you happy with her would make me happy. You so much hotter than her boyfriend =)

  3. EXTRA interview:

    Interviewer: Now the chemistry between you and Kristen is amazing. What did you do to kind of perfect that? Because I’ve read that you followed her around for days and you proposed to her. Is this true?

    Robert: Yeah, we’re gonna get married for a long time. *laughs*

    Interviewer: What about her boyfriend?

    Robert: Phew. Who cares? *i'm only joking face*

    Interviewer: Yeah… what about the boyfriend? *Both laugh* Do you really have a big crush on her?

    Robert: (hesitates to answer) I have no idea. I mean, like she’s really a good, I mean she’s a friend of mine.

    Interviewer: What do you mean you have no idea?

    Robert: I mean I have to like, I mean I was like into this weird world where I was sort of like, you know for like 5 months convincing yourself — this girl, this girl, this girl is the only thing in your life. It’s like it’s kind of awkward now.

    Interviewer: So you’ve become obsessed cause you’re acting like that?

    Robert: I know, it took me a long time to get out of it. I mean, it took two months to you know, to stop introducing her as my fiance. *laughs*

    So whether he still have a crush on her or not, atleast they’re still friends. You can view the interview here:
