Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some gossip for your Wednesday...

According to the online gossip blog Lainey Gossip Zac Efron was second choice for prsenting at this last Sunday's Golden Globes - Rob was first but declined.

Just gossip but what do you think?


  1. I don't doubt it. Rob doesn't seem like someone who really cares to do things like that...besides I'm sure he would have caused and uproar!

  2. Yeah, I believe it. They usually try and get the big, hot stars of the moment for things like this and Rob is about as hot as you can get right now. I would have loved to see him all dressed up at the show, but I am sure he declined because he's in London and why travel all that way for just a few hours? Especially when he doesn't really enjoy this type of thing. Plus I'll bet his ear's are enjoying ths lack of fangirl screaming. :D

  3. seems weird. but i agree, he doesnt seem like the kind of person to want to do stuff like that

  4. Yeah, doesn't seem like him. The Globes were amazing this year, though. Leo looked HOTTTTTTT!

  5. I second your comments =)

    The gif is tremendous!, good job!

  6. If it's true, I'm glad. He's become to over-exposed as is, and it's eventually going to hurt his career, which would suck, because I'm looking forward to seeing how ridiculously good-looking he is on the big screen at 32 ;)

  7. Ali, I agree with what you said...but when you got to the part of how good looking he will be when he is 32...I realized that I will be 43 when he is 32...that made me very depressed....

  8. reeree - your comment made me laugh out loud. i'll be 41. it still boggles my mind that as a grown ass woman, i am lusting after him...

  9. I'll be 40....but that's not too much older. And for women, don't they say that 40 is the new 30...but men are aging on it's like we'll actually be younger than him....

    Ok, I just made that up, but sounds good to me.

  10. wow.. why would he decline? nerves i guess..oh robby xD

  11. I'll be 28!!
    its weird.
    I dont really think about older women loving Rob...
    I guess he's amazing to just about everyone!! :) <3

  12. lol I believe that- I wonder why he declined though. It would have been great to see him.

  13. hmmm...based on the fact that Twilight was totally left out of the Golden Globes, I kinda doubt it. I mean, I didn't see anyone there from Twilight. Would he have declined if offered? I could totally see that.

  14. I really believe he declined this, he gets very nervous, he is overseas, he surely is sad and most of all he needs to keep his mental health and strength to endure 2009.
    I still don´t understand how people can compare Rob with Zac (he seems so shallow to me)

  15. About the gif, it´s great. It made me remember of a video I saw in the only one official site besides the Meyer´s.
    It´s completely done with puppets and it´s so funny, I laughed so laud in some parts! It has scenography, the lines are so good, some parts are done outside. You must watch it.
    It´s called "Twilight: the puppet saga".
    I totally prefer and want this puppet (being realistic I will never be able to have the flesh and blood real "puppet"!) and not the weird "doll" they made for Edward.
    I am right now watching it again and I am laughing to tears. Oh, I can´t stop! The meadow scene is superb!! I just donwloaded it to my mp4.

  16. ok, i am 37 now and still enjoy robert. i have to admit, i don't actually lust after him (feels a little weird cause he is only 22 and as i've gotten older, i have moved past zac and chase ha ha) but i do think he is amazing and so handsome and just gets better the more you find out about him. oh and for all those taylor/jacob fans out there? i am sorry but even with 30 lbs of attractive muscle, he is still only a boy and Rob, is undeniably a man.
