Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Edward Poster from BRAVO Magazine

A HUGE TY to kittyglam @ livejournal for the scan.

Note: Please DO NOT re-post or archive this into your galleries without permission from kittyglam first. Thanks.


  1. That looks odd. He doesn't have the white makeup on.

  2. tenes el messenger de el ....
    alguien que lo tenga..

  3. i love how his hands are almost in his pants. and mandi is right, he doesnt have his make-up on and its a promotion for twilight, i mean its fine for me, but shouldnt he have it on?

  4. his face looks so dark because bravo magazine always edits their posters. the actual poster wil probably be quite cyborg-ish and smoothed out, to make everything look "perfect". ew. i really hate german magazines..

  5. Where can you get a copy of the German Magazine "Bravo" with this poster in it?

  6. Who is on the cover of the magazine? Which number is it?

  7. I don't which number or who is on the cover but I believe it is the January 2009 issue. It is the issue that features Twilight and has a poster of Robert Pattinson as Edward in it!
