Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And still more outtakes from the TEEN Twilight photo shoot

source via pattinsonlife


  1. hello, handsome! he looks so darn cute in the last one! love that smile!

  2. I'm speechless, specially for the last two.
    Once again, I am drooling all over my keyboard thanks to Roberto's sexyness/beautyness/hotness

    Can someone hand me a tissue?

  3. omg monica! :D ours and serin's boyfriend is OM NOM NOM ♥

  4. lol yep He's a hottie bb. :) Serin and I have been lusting over him all day lmao

  5. WOW. That is perfect Rob ... perfect hair, perfect look. Seriously, best pics ever, lol.


    I can't take my eyes off the 3rd one! OH the 1st one made my heart jump!! The 2nd one-makes me wanna jump on him!

    Oh the 4th one - he looks like he's just soo happy to see me!!

    Robert I love you!!!

  7. These are awesome pics....wow I cannot explain how beautiful he is :)

  8. MAN, I love him!!! He looks SO AMAZING!!!

  9. Mandi: thank you for the translation!.
    The Garver Family thank you too!

    You know, I really think it´s not so easy for him to date (or get to know a regular girl -not a crazy fan-). I mean, with all the gadgets that exist today: what prevents anyone of getting private pics, details of his little private life (little private not little life) and stuff like that? There must not be easy to have even an occasional "encounter" with a someone...
    If his friends end up telling the media details of his days imagine what a stranger can do...
    Anyway, I just hope he is right now having fun with someone before going to Twilight Hell II!

  10. Me again.
    I have two theories.
    1- Rob humms when he is deeply stressed, not necessrily because of happiness. Remember that event (in Germany I think it was) almost at the end of the year? The title was something like "Signing and humming".

    2- His music being in the soundtrack of Twilight has cost him more than one of his friendships (Sam, Bobby and Marcus).

    Perhaps I read too much between the lines but it seems like it to me...

  11. Seems so well-rested,relaxed and blissful.
    Questioning, piercing, sad and dreamy eyes in those pics (in that order).
    Sweet manly man!!

  12. i completely agree with what Blackie said in regards to Rob dating. i mean, for anyone it takes an immense amount of trust, but for someone in the spotlight and under a microscope? forget about it! and again with all the technology, one would feel almost terrified to be vulnerable for fear of exploitation.

    this pics are sweeeeeet. makes you just want to hug him and giggle.

  13. Blackie, you're so insightful! I love it! I hope he hasn't lost friends, but I'm sure he has, jealousy and whatnot.

    By the way, It's been my dream to be in the tabloids for most of my life, so I really think I could handle the attention. So Roberto, call me.

    These pics are AMAZING!! Maybe that's what that big A stands for.

  14. I went back and looked at them, and Numbers 1 and 3 killed me dead. I'm typing this from beyond the grave.

  15. *has lost words*
    *looks for the words, under the bed, into the closet, in her socks*
    *just can't find her damn words!*

    *draws a heart on a paper*

    that's pretty much what I can do right now, girls, he kills. with his smile he is able to make your heart stop beating, or accelerating so much that you explode. and do not talk about his eyes or HAIR..that would be too dangerous.

    BTW, I was wondering: are these pics from the magazine Teen, I mean, scans? or just from the shooting? cause I'd really love to buy the magazine, but here in Italy I'm not sure where to get it..
    thanks a lot!
    and YAY for rob being always so amazing <3

  16. Ohh my gosh! I am surfing the net in my hotel room and came back here cos I wanna see his face on my 26 inch monitor...

    Oh my!!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. oh wow, ditto everyone. that last pic just stopped my heart. he is so amazing!

    Hi blackie - could you explain #2 a little? sounds sad...
