Saturday, December 13, 2008

Twilight Trading cards

Some new pics via the trading cards

(Scans from

Thanks to sparklindiva at lion_lamb for the find


  1. I've been wanting to get some of these as little gifts for some of my co-workers but can't find them anywhere. Does anybody know where I can find some?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I found them at Hot Topic. $2.99 a pack.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i wouldnt mind a midnight visit from Rob! :P

  6. I was only able to get 2 packs @ Hot Topic. They don't know if they are going to get anymore before X-mas.

  7. I saw the movie for the fourth time yesturday. There were only two of us in there, it was the first showing for the day. But what happened was that I was able to just lose myself in the movie. No screaming girls, no sighs erupting from around me. Made the movie very very intimate and I was just mesmerized. All the intimate scenes felt ten times more intense. So to see these cards and remembering those intense moments... whoa.

  8. The "Midnight Visit" looks like it was shot at a different time- Kristin has her sweat pants on and her hair in a pony tail. I think I'm too observent LOL.

  9. lol Laura yeah that card is from the original shoot for the Kissing Scene. That scene was later re-shot in LA (and ended up being the version we got in the movie). I'd love to see the first take though...

  10. thought that the movie was so good!! Wanna love to download twilight.. My friends and i are now semi addicited. going for it 3rd time today.

  11. how many trading cards are in total?
