Thursday, December 11, 2008

twilight dvd news

Asked when the disc will arrive in stores, Hardwicke said, "I think spring. Maybe right after Valentine's Day." She then added even more information to the details she gave us about the DVD last month. "We have 10 deleted or extended scenes. There's some juicy stuff in there," she said, adding that one would correct an omission spotted by many Meyer fans. "I think in one of them, [Edward and Bella] do say, 'I love you.'

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  1. There better be mucho behind the scenes stuff too. Wooo, so excited!!

  2. I really wish they said I love you in the movie!!! I really missed that not being in it!!! :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I hated the movie =[

    it was shite, it was nothing to how I had experienced thigs in my head =O

    i guess it's kinda too much to ask for, but the scene in the meadow sucked - big time.......

    robert was YUM as always, though I wish he would have stayed in england for longer =]

  5. So excited to see (hopefully) an extended kiss scene! I'll just pretend it's me and not Bella.. sigh... :)

  6. I heard the DVD was due in April. Nonetheless, I can't wait- these extras sound AWESOME!

  7. I'm going to see it again this afternoon! WOooooo! I just found out.

  8. I love this picture. One of my favorites of him. But then a guy smiling in genuine fun is sexy.

  9. this is one of my favorite photos of him - he's just a happy go lucky guy! lol
