Monday, December 29, 2008

Another reason to ♥ Rob

According to US Magazine:

... a witness at the No on H8 show at The Improv in Hollywood on December 16, Twilight star Robert Pattinson, 22, booed a comic who said, "Here's my impression of Heath Ledger," then collapsed and began faking convulsions.

"Robert and his friend went nuts yelling at him," the source tells Hit Stuff. "The comic didn't knowwho it was, but I'm sure he found out later!"

Pattinson screamed, "F--k you! You suck!" says a witness.


  1. Good for Rob!!! What an asshole.... I can't believe some douch would say something like that about Heath Ledger! I would have said the same thing Rob did.. GOOD FOR YOU ROB!!!

  2. Thank you Rob- we need more decent people like you!

  3. Wow, that was a stand up thing to do!

  4. Way to go, Rob! Mean people Suck!

  5. This is my question.... wasn't it a No on H8 show??

    apparently not everyone got that.

  6. I don't know if this is real, but way to go Rob if it is. We need a interview talking about this if it was.

  7. Yeah, No on H8. I guess the comic with no class or moral value didn't get it. Who would ever think something like that is funny? I never understood dead people jokes.

  8. You just got the attention of all the Heath Ledger fans. And of the already crazed Robert Pattinson fans. Keep it up. You are on a roll.
