Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Picture of Rob, FKA twigs and Friends in London - January 15th

Bigger picture, but cropped


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  1. Rob always taller than anyone else. Such a good looking man. Don't recognize the couple they are with.

  2. I think the guy in the red beanie is Marcus--perhaps the blonde is his girlfriend? It's nice to see Rob out having fun with his girl and their friends!

  3. Blond is twigs assistant I believe

  4. It is T's assistant. Glad Rob had one of he mates with him. They all look tired.

  5. It's great to see them enjoying their time in London.

    Thanks for posting the pics.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I want you to do me a huge favor,go to the nearest window you have,look outside,look at the people,the animals,life, go to the door ,open it,breathe in and breathe out,go outside,walk around your town, why im telling you to do this??? I'm teaching you how to have a life and how to live it,let go of the fantasy, go live reality, you wanna have a fantastic life? Go live it,go make your life fantastic! ! Rob and Kristen are doing it,you should follow this new trend :)

  7. Lol wouldn't take any notice of what The Sun newspaper says.

  8. No one is "holding" photos.

    Rob and Twigs have been spending time together in London.

    The Sun is a sleazy tabloid.

    These are facts. So to speculate about this so-called "hiding" is ridiculous and childish.

  9. It can be more than one person taking pictures Chris. It really doesn't make any difference, over 1,000 tweets from people that have either run into Rob and T or have seen them on the streets of London, at the market, etc. Looks like Marcus likes T's assistant, giving her a hug. Rob has two more weeks before he starts COAL. T has to be in Japan for a show on the 22nd. We will see what develops but one thing for sure, they are certainly joined at the hip.

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  11. In these photo's we have Rob as far from T as possible whilst still in the same group and Marcus hugging the assistant. Yep everything is just as it should be in a relatively new relationship. PMSL

  12. Rob and T look comfortable and relaxed with each other in those photos, Rose. They are no doubt good friends, too.

    So there is no need for you to worry about them not being all over each other like a couple of teenagers in a new relationship.

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  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Ok should have proof read sorry for the mistakes I need a new phone.

  17. Can I ask what I said to get deleted? I have never been deleted before in any boards. What are we not aloud to say? I was not mean in my post. I did say I was not a fan of Twigs or Kristen for that matter is that why I got deleted because I said I only am a Rob fan only? Totally shocked here wow. I guess maybe I should just stick to the Robsessed board to post.

  18. Here's what I find utterly fascinating about these pics. Let's see if I get deleted again.
    Rob looks like two different men in these pics.
    The same guy took all the pics because his name is on everyone of them. That guy is a professional photog into "branding". As was the two media peeps from zebra people that posted the zoom fast video the other day. As was Victoria whose "parents" were in the Maldives.
    So onto these pics. This was a media event. Paps all over the place yet only one professional photog could get the pics ?? No mention of rob anywhere around the whole event. Yet there he is.

    Marcus hugging assistant while twigs is by the open door of cab.

    Tells me a lot. Tells me rob and marcus showed up after event walked with twigs and asst to cab. Saw them into cab and photo op done.
    Why would marcus hug someone he was getting in can with ??
    This was a photo op
    Because twigs can't be without her "man" on her big nite right ?
    And I'm still confused as to how when the angle is the same and the camera the same one man can look like two different men.
    Go figure.

  19. Please stop engaging with these people claiming photoshop and things like that. In the end, it doesn't matter. These people will never believe the evidence in front of them. They come on here posting the same junk over and over again, so they can defend this fantasy. Which only tells me that deep down they know Rob has moved on with a new girlfriend. Otherwise why do they keep coming on here? If you keep arguing with them, even with facts, they just want to you to feed into the delusion. According to them this should have ended long ago and it hasn't, so they're stirring up trouble saying all the vids and photos are fake, delayed, and so forth.

  20. Gotta say I enjoy FKA's music, am a fan of Robert. Alas, is she wearing fur? because if she is, that's a deal breaker with me lady, regardless of your talent, good vibe and all.

  21. That is faux fur, not real. It could be T's mom's. Love seeing one of Rob's mates with them. I can't believe that T has 20 more concerts to do. That will be a long tour when she is finished.

  22. To those who spend hours upon hours breaking down photos and videos trying to "prove" that they are not real, take note: you are wasting your time. You could do the same thing to any photo or video of anyone, and, depending on the camera, distance, and so on, find flaws which, by the way, would be mostly imaginary anyway.

    So for those who over-analyze every single image of Robert and Twigs, please do your brain a favor and take a break from your computer and your magnifying glass, go outside, take a walk, and enjoy yourself.

  23. Mandy, Please delete the trolls who constantly talk about the photos being photo shopped. They are not fans of Rob's and I cannot understand why they are even discussing him and his girlfriend.

  24. guest one, maybe we are the real fans of Rob, and don't like him being used like this. If you think he looks happy to be there then I hate to think what your bf-gf must look like when out at a big event to honor you,because he looks like he's miserable. He's not even by her, looks like he don't want to be there or go anywhere with her. Delete me I don't care.

    1. He's not happy in the pic but according to you that's not even him in the pic and its not real. Which delusion is it?

  25. I don't think Rob does anything he doesn't want to do. He said that himself if something is wrong in his life, he cuts that person that is wrong for him out of his life. No, you aren't a fan because his fans do not pick his photos apart, looking for some hidden meaning. As for my bf/husband, killed in a car wreck.

  26. If Robert Pattinson didn't want to be there, then he wouldn't be there.

    To assume otherwise is an insult to him. It's like saying that he's so weak that he can't say no or that he spends all of his valuable time doing things that he doesn't really want to do.

    And if he does look "miserable" it's because he and his friends saw the paps waiting outside to snap them, that's all

  27. If only there was a permanent delete option for Chris and her cohort of crazy conspiracy theorists

  28. Sorry not sorry, Justsaying, no instant delete button. It's to bad that Robcessed has all of you fooled into believing what they want you to believe. I feel really sorry for all of you. I'm not going to defend if I'm a fan of Robs or not. I can tell you at least I don't hide behind fake names like most of you do. JUST SAYING,Oh I noticed that as soon as someone had mentioned on twitter that they had cropped the first pic, More were posted and uncropped. So believe what you all want.

  29. @Chris b 'So believe what you want.' Does this mean now you can leave all alone?

  30. Can someone, please, explain to me: why is it SO important to be tagged as "real fan"?... O.O... And who gives the tag?... And why?...

    *sigh*... I've never understood the passion for dissecting photos that way, and forming theories and conspiracies, and all that...
    Maybe you could write all that down and, eventually, turn it into a fic book...
    That, or become a CSI writer...

  31. Do people honestly beleive that certain celebs run their lives around some "photo ops"??? Srsly? People, even celebs, have REAL lives, and don't live them for photo ops. Rob and Tahliah appear perfectly content and happy, and honestly, I'm so envious, really. To have found the love of your life is so precious and rare. I think they'll be together for a lifetime, maybe. The "RobSten" people need to get a healthy does of reality, IMO. And like any broken relationship, they need move's getting ridiculous. Rob and Tahliah could be engaged, or married, or have child (or children) together and STILL the "RobSten" teens will be in denial.

  32. I think it's good enough for the next ... It may just need a few things to be on the increase again ...
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  33. Talk about someone in denial, look at Robs eyes they do not scream I'm happy. While he is with twigs. True love of his life really, I haven't seen him happy since this all started in Aug. except for when he was in Paris and that other Guy was with them. Any other time he just looked drunk and getting thru the night.

  34. Chris, will you please shut and go somewhere your kind of comments are welcomed, if there is such a place. Mandy, please delete this Rob hater so we can enjoy conversation without all his sh*t.

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