Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Pictures of Rob's Wax Figure - London and NYC




Source via Pattinsonlife


  1. I just really don't like it... it barely resembles him at all..

  2. Oh Great ^^
    Thanks for the links.
    I'm twilight Central ^^

  3. I would actually like to now what pictures the used to do this with... it's like they took a dozen or so facial expressions and put them all on his face..

    OK I'm a little disturbed by this.. sorry :(

    He's just so damn beautiful.. how can anyone possible mess it up this bad?

  4. i agree with kelly. i dont like it., it almost looks like him :S but if i have to choose , i think the figure of london looks a bit better.
    but i prefer the real one tehehehe

  5. Well I would say I like the London one better but I agree with Kelly and I'm scurred LOL They creep me out a bit and I'm still trying to figure out who I actually think it looks like. It's obvious it's supposed to be him but's off.

  6. On the big picture, you can put your hand over his eyes and then it looks like him, or you can put your hand over his mouth and it looks like him, but the whole face together does not look like him. Maybe it's just impossible to capture our beautiful Rob.

  7. There are just so many things wrong... Doesn't look much like him.

  8. I know people love to see Rob in any form, and believe me, I am no exception. But please, I beg you, stop posting this awful reproduction of Rob. The close-ups, the mood lighting...ugh! Whenever I see it, it makes me cringe. Literally. It is compleltly devoid of his personality and only serves to represent what the film industry increasingly seems to want from him. Sorry, but this one was a mistake, Mme. Trussaud.

  9. It just does not look like him....the face is not wide enough or something, the eyes the jaw, just not our Rob. I guess you just can't duplicate such purty perfection!

  10. only the hair and eyes are right

  11. the eyes aren't even right.. just the eyebrows! none of the facial features are right. not even the beard. the nose is close, but not 'busted' looking enough, the lips are too dark/a bit thicker than usual, the facial hair is off the hair line is off... and the length of the face, the most crucial part, is waaay off.

  12. OH and did anyone notice how long his neck looks when you look at the full shot??

  13. Glad I'm not the only one who notices it doesn't look like Rob in certain ways but yet in some ways it does...but I think it is a bad wax sculpture of him too. Something about the face is all someone else said the face is too slim...I agree eye browns are good but the rest of his face is wrong.

  14. Doesn't look like him & doesn't do him justice. Although, I'll probably go see it (friends have already asked me to go) I'm sure I won't be impressed. They messed up. You said it right Kelly, "Disturbing". It looks like Val Kilmer to me. I would of liked to seen a Twilight themed exhibit with Edward, Bella, & Jacob.

  15. I correct what I said...on they photoshopped the same pic but put his real face on the wax sculpture and even his eye brows are wrong...the scultpure looks so pale...and he isn't really that pale...his hair is perfect though...amazing hair.

  16. UGH! It looks like his face is scrunched up from forehead to chin. I don't think it really looks like him. His eyes are bigger, and it just looks weird! :P
