Friday, July 31, 2009

Rob with fans last night

As a New Yorker, I've been privy to meet many celebrities, and not once have I seen a situation like this where photos are taken from Twitter and such speculation is rampant. However, I've also never met an actor or musician with a fan-base with such a dedicated and insatiable hunger for information regarding their idol. Since the information being spread is pretty much all incorrect. I felt it was right to set it straight, because over the past few months my friend has been working on the tips and stories and sightings of other people in hopes of meeting Rob.

Last night, my friend and I who go to school in Long Island City were on our way home and decided to take a detour and pass by XXX where indoor principal photography for Remember Me is taking place and saw that a small crowd was gathered. We figured if there were people waiting there might be a possibility in finally getting to meet Rob. We had tried when they first started filming and were present on the now infamous day when that girl decided to force Rob to give her a piggy back ride. We waited with the group for about an hour and a half when finally Robert came out and we called him over. He hesitated and looked as though he was going to come over, but sadly he did not. Now, this is where the story might've ended if not for some good luck.

My friend Dana and I were held up, because another production vehicle stopped in the street to prevent people from being able to follow Rob's car, an action that seems unprecedented but some people at the set were more than ready to do so. When we finally got moving again, we saw the other two girls we had been waiting with and decided to stop and talk to them and say good night During the traffic jam, they had received some information from an onset source who we will keep unnamed to protect their job, about an outdoor shoot that was taking place that night a few blocks away by the XXX. We followed the tip over to XXX Street and saw a truck with a camera on the back, a few dozen crew members and in the middle of it all was Rob, riding a bike. The scene was pretty simple, just Rob riding a bike up and down the street. During the shoot he rode up and down a total of five times before they wrapped. After he shook hands and loosened his tie, he was heading to his car so we called Robert over.

And, he came right over to us, even before he confirmed what he was doing with his security guards. My friend Dana and I were among the first to get our photos with him, and besides being very sweaty and out of breath from his bike ride in the 87 degree heat, Robert was very friendly but was also a little reserved. My friend Dana's photo did not come out the first time, and when Rob granted her a second take, an overzealous fan jumped into the photo causing my friend to say "get the f#@$ out of my photo". To which Robert laughed and replied "good one". He then graciously granted her a third take, and the photo came out wonderful. I do not want to speak for everyone, but as far as I could tell the twelve or so people who had come across the set were lucky enough to get their photos with Rob before he excused himself to move to the next set and finish for the night. I do not want to come off as preachy, but while we waited we kept quiet and listened to the requests of the production staff and when Rob did wrap and we called to him, we did so calmly. When he came across the street, with the exception of the overzealous fan who jumped into my friend's photo, everyone kept calm and although he did not say Rob seemed to appreciate the fact that we did so. I think he showed his appreciation for our patience in waiting, and our calmness while dealing with him by allowing all of us the opportunity of meeting him. So if you are in a situation where you come across Robert, exercise restraint and remain clam and it should pay off.


Kirsten Dunst Smitten by Robert Pattinson

Kirsten Dunst has a crush on film heartthrob Robert Pattinson after meting him on the set of his forthcoming movie "Remember Me" in Manhattan. "Kirsten is absolutely infatuated with him and thinks he would be the ideal boyfriend," a friend of the actress is quoted as telling Star Magazine.

Greater than that, Kirsten is said to have "been sending Rob a barrage of flirty texts, letting him know she is very interested in getting to know him better - whenever and wherever he wants." Having no hesitation expressing her interest to date the British actor, Kirsten reportedly has told friends she and Robert "would have a lot in common." No comment has been made just yet by Robert regarding the report.

Being romantically linked to a number of women, in fact, isn't something new for Robert Pattinson ever since he embraced his international stardom after starring as Edward Cullen in "Twilight". In addition to being claimed romancing on-screen lover Kristen Stewart, he was also rumored dating some other famous names like Megan Fox and Natalie Portman.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Moon' Star Robert Pattinson: In Real Life, Edward Cullen 'Would Be An Axe Murderer'

You may find Edward Cullen's brooding, dark nature kind of sexy and attractive, but the man behind the character, Robert Pattinson, thinks it's all kind of creepy.

“It’s weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, 'why are you with that guy?'" he told OK magazine in the U.K. “With virtually anyone, the nice guys always seem to come last. You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some reason."

The kicker comes where he explains that in real life, his alter-ego wouldn't be a vampire but something, quite possibly, even darker. He said, “If Edward wasn’t a fictional character and you met him in reality he is like one of those guys who would probably be an axe murderer or something.”

And, for the ladies out there who always get RPattz and Edward Cullen confused with one another (we, too, have referred to him as Edward Pattinson), the British heartthrob wants you to know: They are not the same guy. “I had no idea people could get so obsessed. But it’s not scary — it’s amazing," he said. "People just project their idea of my character on to me and they just seem to assume that I’m the same, when in reality I’m not.”

So, what do you think Edward Cullen would be like in real life (aside from being your boyfriend)?


Robert Pattinson Wishes You Happy B-Day as Twilight Gets Carded

When you care enough to send the very best, send images of the undead.

Hallmark has already begun unveiling its awesomely campy new line of Twilight-inspired cards. New birthday greeters, featuring the likenesses of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and friends, will continue to make their way into stores through September.

But wishing pals and loved ones another year of life (a "big deal" and "rite of passage" if you're a human, as the cards say) isn't all the trinket dealer is selling.

The holiday helpers are also releasing seasonal creations for Halloween and Valentine's Day.

And better yet, many of the greetings don't just come with a dreamy picture of Pattz. They also have detachable bookmarks, sheets of stickers and built-in music makers that play—what else?—clips from the Twilight soundtrack.

Because a glimpse of Edward beats flowers, chocolates and jewelry any day.


Robert Pattinson Joins The Smile High Club

Smile and the world smiles with you, at least that's how the saying goes and it certainly seems to be true for Robert Pattinson.

The Twilight hunk's smile is the what does it for his fans, that's at least according to a new survey of Splash readers.

Earlier this week RPattz claimed he just didn't know why people liked him so much.

Well Rob, now you know! More than 40% claimed the British actor's smile was his best feature, while 30% said his face and 20% his hair, while the remaining 10% voted for his voice.


25 facts about Robert Pattinson

1. Rob has size 10 feet.

2. He was expelled twice from school.

3. He like Edward's clothes so much that he 'borrowed' them after Twilight filming ended.

4. He was the first person to audition for the part of Cedric Diggory - and he got it.

5. He had his first kiss when he was 12.

6. He loves doing open mic nights but won't do anymore because fans would film him and put it on the internet.

7. He loves writing songs and poems.

8. He would love a script he had written to be made into a film.

9. He was once in a band called Bad Girls.

10. Money doesn't matter to Rob.

11. He was so nervous on the set of Harry Potter that it made him sick.

12. Rob has a dog called Patty.

13. He played Reese Witherspoon's son in Vanity Fair.

14. His middle name is Thomas.

15. He has never been to drama school.

16. He is going to play the part of Phineas in Unbound Captives next year.

17. Rob isn't a fan of clubs and would rather chill out in his hotel room with the likes of Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone.

18. He hates working out so does a bit of jogging instead.

19. His favourite book in the Twilight Saga is New Moon.

20. Rob's scenes in Vanity Fair were cut out and no one told him.

21. Rob learnt to drive in a ten hour crash course.

22. He crashed on his agents sofa when he first moved to LA.

23. He loves eating burgers and drinking Coke.

24. Rob has been hurt by a girl in the past.

25. He isn't looking for a girlfriend at the minute because he is so busy.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Backstage video at CC

In case you ever wondered what it's like for the "Twilight" crew as they gather backstage while a throng of their delighted and excited fans nearly jump out of their seats waiting for the crew to make their entrance at a panel discussion for the latest "Twilight" flick in the saga, "New Moon," well here's behind-the-scenes video evidence for your perusal.

At last week's Comic-Con, the crew including Robert Pattinson and a Joan-Jetted-out Kristen Stewart, all made their way to San Diego for the highly anticipated "New Moon" panel and how they act backstage is quite revealing indeed.

All the crew seems quite composed before they make their big entrances to the stage, but it's the way both Taylor Lautner and Robert interacted backstage that warmed our hearts. They were quite adorable play fighting in the moments before Taylor took to the stage. And, RPattz's excited smirk as he ascended the stairs to hit the stage was decidedly adorable.

Youtube Version

Tabloid covers of the week

And of course, the Australian ones

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fan pictures on 'Remember Me' set | July 15th

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One of our favorite readers Claire, got the chance to see Rob filming Remember Me July 15th outside her office. Thank you Claire for sharing with us!